An update for German coffee culture

We had the idea for Alice & Bob Coffee when we travelled to Australia (when limitless travel was a given). Next to the whole experience, we were totally blown away by the Australian coffee culture! Back in Munich, we realised that there’s definitely room for an update of Germany’s dusty coffee culture; a culture that lingers somewhere between Tchibo Kaffee, 1960’s “Sahnehäubchen” cappuccino and Italian latte macchiato as the latest invention (dating back to the 1980’s). We decided to start a coffee label, with top-notch quality coffee, a cool label, gorgeous ceramics for espresso and flatwhite – to fuel your creativity!

Why Alice & Bob, anyway?

In Tech Talk, „Alice & Bob“ are generic archetypes for communication between a sender and a receiver. But, in the face of fake news and social media shitstorms, where has digital communication technology really brought us? Isn’t human communication highly overrated? Thus, Alice & Bob symbolise miscommunication in human relationships. And when the inevitable happens, nothing’s better than brewing a cup and having a chat.

Ecological and fairly traded

When you start something from scratch these days, you can try to get it right from the beginning. For us, working with our roasters in Hamburg, it was a given to only use ecological and fairly traded coffee and aluminium-free packaging.

Conceived in Bondi Beach, hand picked around the world, roasted in Hamburg, branded in Munich, loved in Europe.

Alice & Bob
Starter Package

€139,00 €99,00

2x Espresso#1 (1 kg Beans)
2x Cappuccino Cup
 (175 ml)
2x Espresso Cup
1x Tote Bag